Origine du Groupe : Turkey , Germany
Style : World Music Arabic
Sortie : 2006
The Mystery of Nevâ:
Sound, like a ship passing through the mysterious, is a bridge between the ocean unfathomable and the world in which we live. Since time immemorial, every lover of music who journeys on the musical sea has crossed this bridge. For us, Nevâ serves as our bridge to that mystical, veiled ocean. Nevâ has always been a keystone of our music – never failing to reveal new doors, horizons, and worlds to all who pass through. Nevâ offers a strong foundation, not just when presented as a sound or tone, but also as a mode, harmony and melody. To honor this, we open this recording with Nevâ Pesrevi by Tanburî Cemil Bey who has been a flame inspiring all tanbur players since his time. We also wished to name the final album Nevâ. In this recording, we tried to carry the torch of Nevâ, handed down through the ages from musician to musician, as far as our power, heart and love would allow us to, bowing only to musical concerns. We did our best not to compromise this pure style that has been flowing throughout history.
We present Nevâ to the listener, asking for forgiveness for our mistakes, if you should hear any. We'd like to express our gratitude: first of all to our teachers who made it possible for us to collaborate; to Cengiz Onural who opened the doors of not only his studio, but also his heart, and who catalyzed our creation of this work; to Hüseyin Tuncel who played the rhythm section during the recordings and was always by our side in spirit; and to Kaf Music Company. Every breath taken, every plectrum moved to bring about this humble creation is dedicated to its reason forbeing.
With thanks --
the musicians,
Murat Aydemir (tanbur) and Salih Bilgin (ney).
By Jazzmen
Tracklist :
01. Nevâ Peşrevi / Tanbûrî Cemil Bey 3'50"
02. Müşterek Taksim 4'40"
03. Uşşak Sazsemâîsi / Neyzen Aziz Dede 3'25"
04. Fihrist Taksim (Rast Ailesi) 10'11"
05. Pençgâh Peşrevi / Kantemiroğlu 3'50"
06. Ferahfezâ Peşrevi / Tanbûrî Cemil Bey 3'18"
07. Müşterek Taksim ve Sultânîyegâh Sazsemâîsi / Nedim Ağa 8'45"
08. Şehnâz Peşrevi / Kemânî Ali Ağa -- 4'30"
09. Müşterek Taksim 5'00"
10. Hicaz Sazsemâîsi / Veli Dede 3'50"
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